1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
  2.1 Splash Screen
  2.2 Title Screen
  2.3 Single Play - Game Information Settings
  2.4 Play Via Bluetooth
  2.5 Network Play
  2.6 View Game History
  2.7 Settings
3. Playing Game
  3.1 How to Move Your Pieces
  3.2 Information Menu
  3.3 Zoom in/out and Scroll Your Game Board
  3.4 Tool Menu
  3.5 AutoZoom
  3.6 Save
  3.7 Backing Up Your Game Data and Multitasking
4. Watching Live Games
5. View Game History

Thank you very much for your interest in purchasing iShogi Salon. iShogi Salon is compatible with iPhone/iPod touch and iPad, requires iPhone iOS3.0 or later. Shogi is one of the variants of Chess native to Japan and it attracts many strong chess players. They have found Shogi to be a great game to play because its distinctive "drop" rule, which is captured pieces could be returned to the board to be used as one's own. iShogi Salon is the best designed Shogi game for beginners to advanced players. You are able to play Shogi against your own device with three levels of difficulty. iShogi Salon offers you opportunities to build up your Shogi skills while you are learning and enjoying Shogi. iShogi Salon also offers great opportunities to enjoy Shogi between two players via Bluetooth, or challenge other network players and GPS Shogi in the internet Shogi community (the Salon).

We would like everyone to enjoy their use of iShogi Salon chat service. Please comply with some basic chat room rules of proper etiquette. It may not be of a sexual nature. It cannot contain curse words, racist language, other offensive words or words that encourage illegal acts. Flooding is not permitted. Please understand that a violation of the rules may result in prohibiting the use of our chat rooms or revoking your iShogi Salon membership.

If you are not familiar with the rules of Shogi, we encourage players to visit following sites:
【Japanese】 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/将棋
【English】  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shogi

The current version of iShogi Salon Full is 2.5.0.


2.1 Splash Screen

The splash screen after turning application on.

2.2 Title Screen

After the splash screen, the title screen below will appear.

・Single play
The game condition menu will be appeared after tapping "Single Play", select the desired game conditions and tap OK, then the game will start.
*** If you have a previously saved a game, there will be a "Load Game" message on the screen.

・Play via Bluetooth
You can use Bluetooth for "head-to-head" play between two devices.
(Except the 1st generation iPod touch)

・Network Play
You are able to play and watch games in the salon over Wi-Fi/3G.

・View Game History
Access to all saved games in the game history list.

button (HELP)
This button launches Safari and jump to DreamOnline's iShogi Salon support/tutorial page.

It opens the setting menu.

2.3 Single Play -Game Condition Settings-

・Computer Level
Three different levels of difficulty: Easy - Normal - Hard
*** To maximize computer response, the computer strength is not so strong.

・Your Move:
Select Black(Sente) or White(Gote). If you select "Random", the computer will decide who goes first (Black).
*** Shogi pieces are divided into Black and White sets, like Western chess; however, when you play Shogi, Black always moves first. This is because Shogi follows the basic rules of Japanese board game "Go".

・Chess Clock:
10, 30 or 60 minute clock: When this time is used up, the player has an overtime allowance of 30 seconds for each move, in which to complete the game. Failure to move within the 30 second period forfeits the game.
None: You have only 30 seconds for each move. Failure to move within the 30 second period forfeits the game.

2.4 Play via Bluetooth

2.4.1 Searching for Device Dialog

Play "Head-to Head"
*** Please make sure both devices are turned on and in range to be discovered.

2.4.2 Selecting Opponent

All users in the salon are shown in the list. Please select desired opponent (shown as "available") and offer a challenge. Some users are listed as "In-Progress", and if you tap such player you can watch this player's live game.

2.4.3 Game Condition Dialog

Select game conditions then tap "OK". You will offer desired opponent a challenge.

When your challenge is accepted, the game will start.

2.5 Network Play

2.5.1 Selecting Opponent/Selecting Live Game

Select an opponent or a live game you would like to watch from the list.
In the list, you will see all players' user names (user ID), classes, ratings, current status and the latest chat messages. Your information appears on the bottom. There will be a “Wi/Fi” icon if users are accessing the salon via Wi/Fi.

Class match is the competitions between players in the same class. Each player starts from F class. (You will see a letter from F-S next to your name and that is the class you belong to.) As you keep winning percentage over 60% for every 10 games with players in the same class, you will step up to the next class. Your goal is S class. As exception, you have to win 10 games to step up from F to E class.
 F: Need 10 wins to step up to E class.
 E: You need a winning percentage over 60% to promote to upper class, but you will not be relegated to F class.
 D〜A: Please maintain 60% of the winning percentage otherwise you will be relegated.
 S: Please maintain high winning percentage to stay in S class.

※Matchmaking Assistant※
If you don't know who you would like to play with, you can ask our matchmaking assistant to suggest an ideal opponent (by rating and class) ready to play with you from logged in players.

2.5.2 Chatting

If you would like to join a chat room, please tap a chat room icon on the bottom right hand corner. The most recent message is shown in your information area.

iShogi Salon chat is not available for the Lite version users. To enjoy chat service, please purchase an add-on "The Salon: Unrestricted Play/Class Match" or try iShogi Salon Full.

2.5.3 Menu

A menu button will open another window.

・ Log Out
Leave the salon and go back to the title screen.

・ Play mode/Watch mode
Switch between play mode and watch mode.
Under watch mode, you will not receive any challenges by other users.

・ Sort by Class/Rating
You can find your ideal opponent easily by sorting all players in the Salon.

・ Send E-Mail
You can send email to iShogi Salon support or even your friends.

・ Tutorial
Launch Safari and it opens this page. Please find help if you don't know how to enjoy iShogi Salon.

・ Coffee Break
iShogi Salon goes idle and you will receive a push notification when you are challenged by other players during coffee break.
While you are enjoying Single Play, Bluetooth Play or reviewing your Move History, Coffee Break is not available (You will receive a push notification but it will not let you start a game).

2.5.4 Message Bulletin (Message from iShogi Salon)

Information icon on the top left hand corner will open a message bulletin. When there is a new message from administrator, the icon will flash.

2.5.5 Profile

You can tag your comments and evaluation on your opponent.

・Hide chat message
You can hide chat message from selected opponents.

・Reject challenge offer
You can reject a challenge offer from selected opponents.

・Evaluate your opponent
Evaluate your opponent with stars.
Your ratings will not be disclosed to other players in the salon.

2.6 View Game History

Saved game histories will be listed on the screen. Select one you would like to replay.

If you want to delete a saved game from the list, select a game, flick it until a "delete" button appears, then tap it.

2.7 Settings

Enter username less than 30 characters in ASCI.
You can change your username only once a day. (You are allowed to change your user ID only once a day.)

・Your Level
Declare your expertise level from 10K(Beginner) to 6D(MEIJIN).

If you select auto-zoom, your moving piece would be automatically "Zoomed in/out".

・Piece set
Choose from Japanese (3D or 2D) or Chess piece set. According to your device language environment, your default piece set (Japanese or Chess) will be decided.

・Piece Character Code
Choose from single Kanji character or two Kanji characters on each piece.

・Piece Tap Adjustment
Enable to change tap sensitivity when you move a piece.

・Legal Move Highlights
Show legal moves of each piece.

・Tap Option
To avoid any tapping mistakes, you can choose from two step action (2 tap) or three step action (3 tap) to make each move of your piece.

Turning alert sound on and off when your own time becomes less than 10 seconds.

・Background Effect
When you select a piece to move, the background of your selected piece will be darker for better visibility.

・Board Rotation (Animation Effect)
After the game ends, your board will turn around.

・Piece Reaction
Enable to change speed of each piece to move.



3.1 How to Move Your pieces

1. Select a piece you want to move by tapping on the board.

You are also able to select your own captured piece to drop any available squares on the board. (If "legal move highlights" is turned on, any available squares the piece can move will be highlighted.)

2. Tap a square you want to move your piece.

3. Under 3tap option, the coordinate of the square you want to move your piece will be appeared. Please tap it if your choice is not mistaken.

4. A message box will be appeared to ask you if you want to promote your piece.
Most pieces may be promoted on reaching the promotion zone (the furthest away three ranks of the board).
*** Promotion is mandatory if there is no other choice.

3.2 Information Menu

1. Game Information
Username of Sente/Gote, Remaining of the Chess clock are displayed in a box. Your chess clock will be shown in red at the center of the screen.

2. Move History
Your last move will be shown in another box.
By tapping this box, you are able to review your all move history of current game.

3. Buttons
  Chat (Green): Open up a chat window. This option only available when you are in the salon.
  Move history (Red): Turn on and off your move history window.
  View (Yellow): Change view option between 2D and 3D.
  Tool (Blue): Show a tool menu window.

3.3 Zoom in/out and Scroll Your Game Board

According to iPhone/iPodTouch and iPad standard operation, pinch and spread/multi-finger double-tap/swipe/slide gestures are available.

3.4 Tool Menu

By tapping "blue" tool icon, the tool menu will be appeared at the bottom of the screen while you are playing game.

You are able to switch between “Auto-Zoom” and “Manual-Zoom” by tapping this button.
You are also be able to turn "Zoom" off.

Choose between 2Tap or 3Tap mode.

・"Save"(Single Play only)
You may save a game.
You are able to save only one game in each play mode (single play, network play and Bluetooth play). You are able to call up a saved game whenever you want. Your game information and move history will be automatically saved when any unexpected situation occurs like sudden network disconnection.

You may take back your most recent turn, and only your opponent's move.
*** Not available to use "undo" function in Bluetooth/Network play.

・"Draw"(Network Play only)
By tapping a “Draw” button, you are able to ask your opponent to call the game draw. To make "draw" being effected between two players, both players have to turn "draw" option on (you will see a "on/off" button next to a "draw" button), then tap the "draw" button.

Resign the game.

3.5 Auto-Zoom

By selecting “Auto-Zoom” in the setting menu, your selected piece will be automatically zoom in/out when you tap on the screen.

3.6 Save

You are able to save a full move history after completing a game and replay saved games move by move in the game history list.
In the salon, you can review your completed game with your opponent by using chat room.

3.7 Backing Up Your Game Data and Multitasking

Our server automatically takes a backup of your game data under unexpected situation (like network disconnection). Please re-enter the salon and pick up the same opponent then you will be able to continue the game from where you lost your connection.

From the version 2.5.0, iShogi Salon supports multitasking, allowing you to quickly switch between applications, using an application like Mail or Phone while iShogi Salon is running in the background. (max 10mins due to task completion timer)


You are only available to watch games that others are playing.

・Unable to move pieces.

・Unable to use options in the tool menu.

・Unable to use chat room.


In the tool menu, you are:

・able to go back your most recent turn.

・able to go one move forward.

・able to rotate a game board 180 degree.

・able to rewind the game all the way back to start.

・able to fast-forward the game all the way to the end.

・able to Zoom in and out the game board.

・able to add comments on each game history. By flicking on the screen, a "delete" button appears and tap it to discard your comments.

Enjoy iShogi Salon!

*** About GPS Shogi
The University Tokyo's GPS Shogi is the winner of 2009 World Computer Shogi Championship.
In the Salon, you are able to challenge GPS Shogi with several levels of difficulty from GPS_Rookie (intermediate) to GPS_Tycoon (expert) depending on adjusting response time.
GPS Shogi is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
DreamOnline runs GPS Shogi at our own risk.

More detail about GPS Shogi:  GPSshogi - PukiWiki


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